Blog – Engineerer


Stell dir vor, du bist Lastwagenfahrer*in. Red Bull in der rechten, das Steuerrad sanft in der anderen Hand. 20 Tonnen Pellets finden dank dir eine neue Heimat. Der Kunde, den du anpeilst, hat aber nur 12 Tonnen bestellt. Die übrigen 8 Tonnen haben wir sinnvollerweise...

Pellet-Heizungen sind ein guter Ersatz für Ölheizungen, da sie einen nachwachsenden Rohstoff verbrennen und die bestehende Infrastruktur im Haus genutzt werden kann. In der Schweiz gibt es genügend Holz, das zu Pellets verarbeitet wird, und die Nachfrage boomt. Das Geschäft der Pellet-Lieferanten ist an der...

Azure Governance is a set of guidelines. That's it. A simple table with text. This table can look like this.IDTitleDescriptionStatusAAD-SEC-001AAD Admin roles are assigned through PIM AAD Admin roles are all roles with "Admin" in their name. Those roles are assigned as eligible roles in...

It's just fantastic how hard it is to call the Graph API REST endpoints through PowerShell. I couldn't let loose from this - from my point of view - big issue and went from problem to solution.TL;DRThe script: O365-Azure-Scripts/Get-StaleUsersReport.ps1 at master · engineererr/O365-Azure-Scripts ( I...

Syntex is a Microsoft product that came from Project Cortex. There is surely more to come. Right know, Syntex does roughly the following:Detect Content TypeExtract data from documents into list column.To detect a Content Type you train a Syntex Classifier to detect for example a...

I was given this challenging case today, where I had to change production HTML to figure out what was wrong. I have to confess, it was a try and error approach....

Additional blog posts in this series:Syntex OverviewThe SharePoint Syntex Content CenterClassify documents with SharePoint SyntexTrain your first SharePoint Syntex content extractorSharePoint Syntex is now in GA and available for purchase for $5 user/month with an annual commitment. You can explore SharePoint Syntex on your own...